Travel Clinic

Travel medicine: vaccinations and much more

"Unprepared walks bring unhappy return."

This is how Goethe writes in Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship and to this day this sentence has lost none of its relevance.

Travel medicine deals intensively with health risks that can exist when traveling, depending on the host country, and aims to minimize these risks or, where possible, to prevent them entirely.

An important building block are here Travel vaccinations, which are still among the most effective preventive measures. As a special feature, the yellow fever vaccination can only be carried out in agencies specially approved for this purpose (see section Yellow fever vaccination ). A travel medical consultation should ideally also be the occasion to check the necessary vaccinations for Germany and, where necessary, to complete or refresh them. We are guided by the recommendations of Standing vaccination committee at the Robert Koch Institute (STIKO), which annually issues vaccination recommendations that serve as a template for the federal states.

When traveling to countries with malaria occurrence, preventive use of certain drugs, the so-called Malaria prophylaxis , the risk of illness can be minimized. There are several preparations available, the selection is made individually after a detailed consultation.

Beyond vaccinations is Education and orientation of the traveler on health risks in the destination country of great importance. Valuable tips and advice on rules of conduct can significantly reduce the risk of illness. These include B. food hygiene, use of repellents (insect repellants), bed nets, adequate clothing and much more. For longer trips or trips to very remote areas, it is also possible to put together and carry a travel pharmacy to be useful. We are happy to advise you on all points and look forward to your questions.

Do not forget:

Please bring the following documents with you to a travel medical consultation:

- Vaccination certificate (if you have several, please bring all documents with you)

- if necessary, medication list

- if necessary, allergy pass

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